Last time when I was making mobile game, advanced minification was not working (although simple minification was working). With advanced minification,the app used to get freezed at the starting itself.
The funny part ,I was unable to reproduce it. And I am afraid that it may come back on next use
Also, "Construct 3 works offline" never worked for me. Whenever I click on "New Project" in absence of internet connection,error message comes that unable to load
And the fun in that:- if I open a project using "Files" button,the project opens and it even runs
So to overcome the issue,I have a blank copy of a save file. I load it instead of making a new project
Also, when I load image from files folder in Sprite, no idea why, sometimes randomly the images gets zoomed so much that it looks blurry. It happens 9:1
Currently,to overcome the issue,I add "wait for previous action" after load image action. But maybe it may not solve the issue
Moderator edit: Also you should use the "Edit" button in the forums instead of posting multiple posts in a row.