Performance is important to me because I want it to run on old mobile devices so every little bit counts.
I'm trying to convince you with big words and advocate for both user friendliness and growth of the community.
I hope that once my game releases people take construct 3 seriously for big projects and you get more money
I'm sorry if it makes you cringe, but I do my best.
I think that my results and the performance of my game with a thousand AI doing 3D collision detection and moving and doing physics and sorting counts for something and gives some weight to my opinion, even if it doesn't always make sense to you, that you will consider it.
Ashley, how difficult would it be, engine wise, to dynamically add and remove objects from families/containers at runtime and at an instance-level, rather than object type.
I'm asking because picking is pretty much the main thing in the engine, and accessing properties from a container object is great, it lets me use self and reference a containered object and it will automatically get picked instead of having to do a "foreach" or function call with UID to pick to do the action.
what I'm ACTUALLY trying to do and why i made this suggestion, is to dynamically create objects and give them properties at runtime so that the game loops through every object with an animation property and steps animation, same thing for collision and physics and gravity, etc, without creating a giant object that has every single property and looping through that massive object and picking by boolean "animation", "collision", "physics", "Gravity" and so on, because creating that massive object is a logical and debugging nightmare.
what I've started doing is creating a "gravity" empty object for example, giving it the UID of the game object that needs gravity applied to it, and do pick by UID gravity.gameobjectUID, and then run the action on game object, to not have to bloat the code with conditions and seperate things.
Another way would be to make like, 20 copies of the gravity object and put them in a family and then container with their specific immutable game object and do familygravity