Problems building an APK

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Isometric Stategy Roleplay Game Building and Streets Pack.
  • I am trying to build a new signed apk version of a game using android(cordova)option but I am getting always the same error message:

    Error: Failed to load signer "signer #1" keystore password was incorrect

    at java.base/

    at java.base/

    at java.base/






    Caused by: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption.

    ... 8 more

    I am sure that I am using the correct keystore password because I used the AndroidKeystoreBrute before to check the pass in this same file in 2021.

    Any help?

  • Could you walk us through the steps you take when trying to export?

    At what moment exactly do you get that error?

  • This is the full message:

    The error only appears at the end, when building the APK on the servers

  • The server is unable to use your password to sign the package with this key.

    What service did you use to create the key and how did you sign it before?

    Why don't you want to sign with the same method now?

  • I don't understand. I used Scirra's servers (I believe) to create the key and am using those same servers to do this now.

  • Did you click on "Download keystore"?

    Are you using the "***.jks" file exactly?

  • These places are very important

  • These places are very important

    I don't have the key password. Isn't this optional?

  • I thought you wanted to create a signed package (green).

    If you want a simple unsigned package, you don't need a key (orange).

  • As far as I remember, I created a signed release apk without including the key password. Only using the keystore password. Is the key password mandatory or optional for signed release apks?

  • You cannot sign a package without a key file.

    You created the key, here's your screenshot!

    You should have clicked download key and saved it to a safe place.

  • Sorry but I am really confused here. I though you are talkink about the key password. I have a key file and I'm selecting it in the panel. I also typed my keystore password at the same panel. The password I don't have is the one that I could include in the key password field.

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    These were all the procedures I did.

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