Migrated a large C2 project to C3 (5000+ events, large number of animations in Spriter). For some reason, CPU usage won't go above 10% and as a result the game runs at 5 FPS in Chrome. Project also crashes frequently - probably because a large number of sprites are created and positioned when the layouts are started.
The project runs fine in C2 at 60 FPS on Edge Chromium without crashing. Switching to Chrome with C2, I get the same performance issues as C3 (CPU at 10%, 5 FPS). Unable to preview my project using C3 on Edge, so not sure where the issue lies.
The only addon I'm using is Spriter. Even though the C3 Spriter addon hasn't been updated in a while I haven't seen any reports of performance issues with Spriter on C3.
When exporting in C3 using node.js, CPU use is no longer limited and performance is improved but the game frequently crashes when switching layouts which doesn't happen in C2.
Running latest browser, C3 and Spriter addon versions. Other than CPU not being utilised when running in browser, the debugger is not giving me any clues as to what the issue could be.
The events and layout loading can be improved but I assumed if everything ran fine on C2 it would run on C3. Any suggestions appreciated as to where I should look to identify the problem and get the game running in a stable fashion on C3 using Chrome.