I built my game in c2 because I had a license for that and was familiar. Sadly, 2 months after a successful launch (trended #3 on Google Play) I've run into too many headaches with unsupported plugins; like many of you.
I just purchased a license for c3 and have begun rebuilding my game as I'm unable to port it over directly because of the plugins not existing.
Any tips out there from people that have done this on published games already?
Lumicreative.com specifically as we have a similar game concept and I swear I saw that you ported yours at one point too. I was relieved when I stumbled onto that this week while I was trying to make this decision. I downloaded your game and it's so great to see the success you're having!
I'm not really concerned about rebuilding it as it'll just take some time, but I'm more interested in what others have run into in the porting process that you could share.
A few things that motivated this decision:
1. better support
2. google play login/leaderboards
3. easier porting to ios (I hope)
4. working admob / iap (admob did work, but recently stopped altogether with no changes on my end)
Thanks all.