No promises - but inspired by
Mikal 's example above, I'm looking into adding a separate set of particle system methods.
Currently, when you create a particle system you can set a sprite to be used to render each particle. These are set by group or identified by a tag at creation. This means you can use different objects to draw different groups of particles, with or without running animations.
What I want to do is analyse a sprite's image and then have the particle group create particles with color values to mimic the image. Because of a limitation of Liquidfun JavaScript, this color-particle option will not be compatible with the current way of drawing particles. However, most particles are small and using only one sprite image to render them probably won't matter.
I need to have a good think about the system's versatility - if the reality is that people don't mind setting a particle group's color when a group are created (as opposed to identifying a sprite type to be used) then I may end up deleting the first set of methods. Then you'll just identify a render sprite once and then change the group color settings as appropriate. Or render group from an image...
This is going to take a few days to work through. Just to let you know. And I have yet to test how SetUnpremultipliedColor() impacts on performance, so all of this might be nothing more than an experiment...