Construct 3 any news?

From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    I wonder if we will hear more of what we already know, or Ashley will finally show us that screenshot

    Looking forward to February 1 ,C3 update.

    February 1 rolls around. 1 blurry screenshot. That's the evilest thing I can think of.

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    > A GMS2 style graphic editor would be great


    I don't think a new editor would be a must have since there are very powerful and affordable graphics software on the market. However I'd be interested in some improvements there regarding animation preview, etc..

    That mail made me feel like it's Christmas again! I can't wait to read more news about C3. The new logo looks great, it's modern and minimalistic (and I hope it refers to the colours of the new interface).

    my post deleted so i wrote it again

    with all the respect and no offense i dont care what you think we express personal preferences here.

    with all the respect and no offense i dont care what you think we express personal preferences here.

    That's fine, I meant no offense and I'm sorry if I made you feel that way.

    no problem we all want the best of c3

    no problem we all want the best of c3

    That's true.

    I hope i'm not too late but Ashley can i suggest a better visual support for Spriter?

    Like we can interact the editor and spriter files.

    Spriter has become a very popular animation program used for C2, it will be great if we can do so.

    I hope i'm not too late but Ashley can i suggest a better visual support for Spriter?

    Like we can interact the editor and spriter files.

    Spriter has become a very popular animation program used for C2, it will be great if we can do so.

    That is exactly one of the primary issues when depending on third-party plugins instead of providing such core functionality built-in. I mentioned before that a built-in timeline is rather essential to have (especially seeing most of the competition offers built-in timelines).

    Godot and other game dev software even have IK-animated characters as part of their core feature set, and that means no issues in regards to (visual) integration in those editors.

    I certainly hope that C3 will include a proper timeline with nested timelines that allows us to at least control transformation, variables, events, path-based animation, and properties. If not, I am unsure I will update to C3, and will probably continue with (free) alternatives that do support this core feature for my upcoming projects.

    Wednesday, right?

    Wednesday, right?

    What's about Wednesday? Pardon me, I haven't been active for a while.

    Look at page 60.

    I hope C3 comes with multiple line support on text boxes for parameters and know if the plugins creator using events will be only for C3 native expresions or also will support external libraries.

    Look at page 60.

    Ohh Nice. Finally! Scirra is starting to show some sneak peek.

    Nice, noticed my email today. Really looking forward to February 1st!

    Thank you TD Bauer for mentioning the date of release. I also received the email but only can see the new Construct 3 logo.

    I will update from the moment Construct 3 will become available. Looking forward very much for the release.

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