If you encounter this again you could start the chrome dev tools profiler, that may give a hint at some memory leak or something.
Yeah I will do that. It's bound to happen again. I kinda forgot that this profiler exists, but I did take a video for comparison yesterday with two editors open side by side. Left one being freshly opened, right one being the sluggish one. I wouldn't say there were outright freezes, but I could imagine it getting so sluggish that it would be considered "frozen". The only freezing I had was when zooming the layouts, there it would sometimes not do the zooming despite the scrollbars indicating I was indeed zooming. Eventually it would then snap out of it and display the correct zoom again.
I don't believe it has much to do with the eventsheet because I was barely doing anything in the eventsheet at that point. I also have everything well grouped though, but if there would be an inherent problem with the eventsheets or objects or layouts, restarting shouldn't fix it I think.
I just have 288 events with 259 conditions and 607 actions. 58 Object types and 9 Families, 19 layouts and 5 eventsheets. That's like a baby-project.