Hello! Sorry my English, but I hope you will understand me right.
While optimizing project I noticed some interesting (or strange) behavior of WebGL Blending mode effects.
I have a layer with lights which uses WebGL Blend mode effect (multiply), and while testing scene on iPad Air I have about 34 fps (If I change it to screen or overlay, I have the same about 34 fps, even in almost empty scene).
But, If I delete this WebGL blending effect and set this layer blend mode to Additive - I will have 60 fps.
So, I think iPad Air doesn't have good WebGl acceleration and maybe it emulates it or something, but! In terms of "screen arithmetic" Addition and Multiply blend mode - is almost identical by calculation required...
So, why in not WebGL layer blend modes (thats perform faster on this device) we don't have all other blending modes?
Can I somehow achieve performance of non-WebGL Additive blend mode, while using WebGL blend modes?
Yes on iPhone 8 on which I also test it - I have stable 60 fps and no problems at all, but I think it is will be very good to run smooth on not so new devices...
Thank you!
P.S.: Same on C3 and C2.