I had a few ideas that could be cool to add:
Could be an added feature to right-click on the Top Root folder and choose "Remove any Subfolders" but keep the Animations of course, because for some Animations you don't need that many folders.
Its something like Ungroup Layers from Photoshop that removes the folders
You Have This:
And you want to convert it to this by Right-Click Colors Folder and choose remove subfolders:
But this is not that important so is ok if it doesn't get added.
One cool feature that will be nice:
Is that you can Drop a (Zip or File) in the (Layout or Project) and it will create all the separate Objects with their Names like when you Drop file through the Animation editor that it creates the Animation but instead it will create whole Objects + Animations.
This could be a nice time saver as you just drop the Zip on the editor and it will create all the objects with the right names and Animation names, so you don't have to go manually on each object to update the Animation, you will see the benefit for this when you have to update Animation for like 50+ Objects for example.
Though one feature that it will need to work nicely is that If you Drop the (Zip or File) in the Layout:
1-If the object to create already exist then just Update his Animation example:
-If the Animation already exist then just replace the frames with the new ones
2-Else if the object doesn't exist then create the Object and add the Animation from that zip
And it follows similar rules as to when you import a file inside the Animation Editor:
-The Root Top Folder = (Zip of file) Name
">>>>>"Then the Subfolders Names = New Objects To Create
">>>>>>>>>>>>"Any Subfolder inside those folders = Animation to create for those objects
This is how it will look like a Zip to import:
So here on this case, I drop on the layout a Zip named colors and this is what happens:
It creates 4 objects
And any subfolders of those folders is their Animations