Animations editor new importing options

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  • eleanorjmorel

    As of r257, you can specify animation properties in the configuration file so your tool can fill in the details for each animation.

    I updated the original post with a little information about it.

  • When will the editor's performance be improved? Animation editor C2 is much faster and more enjoyable than C3. I have already changed 3 laptops and I do not know how much power the laptop should be so that the editor does not slow down

  • DiegoM

    in the editor when you save an animation as a a zip file, do you guys have something on the backlog to generate that import file? it would be super convenient when transferring assets from one project to another to just have to export the zip, and be able to just import it without having to reconfigure all the animations.

  • piranha305

    I hadn't even thought about that. It would be a useful feature.

  • DiegoM I'm quite busy with GDC but I can'T wait to try it !!!

  • This is great! Very useful for art heavy games pipeline

    Would be useful if you could set individual frame times as well

  • DiegoM Thanks for these changes, they are super helpful!

    Will it be possible to export/import animations with image points and collision polygons data? Currently if we need to move an animation from one sprite to another, we have to replicate all image points and polygons manually and this can be a lot of work.

  • This is great! Very useful for art heavy games pipeline

    Would be useful if you could set individual frame times as well

    I thought about that while I was adding the animation properties, but didn't think it would be that useful, guess I was wrong :P

    Will it be possible to export/import animations with image points and collision polygons data? Currently if we need to move an animation from one sprite to another, we have to replicate all image points and polygons manually and this can be a lot of work.

    Don't see why it shouldn't be possible, the only problem as always, is that it's just a little extra thing on top of all the stuff that is still not done.

  • This is Awesome!! what a great addition Thank you

    It already saved me a lot of hours of manual importing

    There is just one big issue for me:

    is not consistent with the ordering of the frames as I need to maintain the order for some Animations


    If I want to import this folder that I have on my PC, this is how it looks like:

    is ordered nicely


    So If I import it like normal by

    Right-click in the frames window >>>> Import from file >>>> select all the frames

    Then it will import them correctly ordered


    But if I use the new system by Drop a file on the Animation editor it will mess up all the order of the frames so they no longer follow the order I had on my PC folder.

    Like this


    Is there any way that I can change the order settings to be consistent?

  • tarek2

    Currently files are sorted alphabetically before importing. This means that if your files have names which have the minimum number of digits, Ej. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, then the list will be sorted as 1,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. That happens because the names of the files are seen as strings of characters, rather than numbers.

    I can add the option to choose between different sorting modes to the configuration file, but until I do that you can resort to naming your files in a way they will be sorted correctly every time. One way would be padding the names with zeroes Ej. 001,002,003,004,005,006,009,010

    That will make sure the alphabetical sorting sorts the numbers as expected.

  • DiegoM

    That would be fantastic if you could add the option to choose between different sorting modes Thank you

    Thanks for the Tips too

  • Hi,

    I had a few ideas that could be cool to add:


    Could be an added feature to right-click on the Top Root folder and choose "Remove any Subfolders" but keep the Animations of course, because for some Animations you don't need that many folders.

    Its something like Ungroup Layers from Photoshop that removes the folders


    You Have This:

    And you want to convert it to this by Right-Click Colors Folder and choose remove subfolders:

    But this is not that important so is ok if it doesn't get added.



    One cool feature that will be nice:

    Is that you can Drop a (Zip or File) in the (Layout or Project) and it will create all the separate Objects with their Names like when you Drop file through the Animation editor that it creates the Animation but instead it will create whole Objects + Animations.

    This could be a nice time saver as you just drop the Zip on the editor and it will create all the objects with the right names and Animation names, so you don't have to go manually on each object to update the Animation, you will see the benefit for this when you have to update Animation for like 50+ Objects for example.

    Though one feature that it will need to work nicely is that If you Drop the (Zip or File) in the Layout:

    1-If the object to create already exist then just Update his Animation example:

    -If the Animation already exist then just replace the frames with the new ones


    2-Else if the object doesn't exist then create the Object and add the Animation from that zip

    And it follows similar rules as to when you import a file inside the Animation Editor:

    -The Root Top Folder = (Zip of file) Name

    ">>>>>"Then the Subfolders Names = New Objects To Create

    ">>>>>>>>>>>>"Any Subfolder inside those folders = Animation to create for those objects

    This is how it will look like a Zip to import:

    So here on this case, I drop on the layout a Zip named colors and this is what happens:

    It creates 4 objects






    And any subfolders of those folders is their Animations













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  • My progress has been halted by this bug and im not sure if it'S a constuct bug or an error on my part, but resizing the screen sometimes fixes it,

    jump to the end, basically, the images are off by a pixel, pixel rounding or fullscreen integer letterbox scale does not help at all

    What would be the best way to report or fix it ?

  • eleanorjmorel

    As with any other bug, the best you can do to report it, is to come up with the smallest project that reproduces the bug.

    Just from looking at the video I really can't tell that anything is wrong at at all.

  • Now we can copy almost every folder from the projects bar but still we can't copy animations from animation editor. can we have this feature to copy paste any animation from one project to another project?

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