Wow! It's been awhile since I've posted an update here. So, time to fix that!
For the last few months I've been cranking hard on Sombrero, while bringing it to various East Coast events to show off and get feedback from those who matter: Gamers!
And on that note, here's 20 minutes of gamers enjoying the latest update to Sombrero at GameACon, a new indie game show in Atlantic City, NJ:
The most recent additions are a new stage, while all of the older stages have been tweaked, new characters and powerups have been added, and a new 2D lighting system that takes advantage of texture rendering and different masked blend modes (like Source Atop) that can to help give it some depth instead of just slapping a circle on top and setting the blending mode to additive.
There's still a few bugs, mostly in the GUI/in-game HUD, but otherwise Sombrero is bug free.
Another exciting piece of info is Sombrero's approval for Microsoft's IDdzo@XBox program, meaning that if all goes as planned, Sombrero will be coming to XBox One as a Universal App! Microsoft has been great to work with and I look forward to continuing that relationship as Sombrero nears release for early 2016.
Did I mention user-generated content is also supported for new stages? In hopefully not too long a time,
Ashley will work out C2's Steam support so I can add Steam Workshop to make downloading and adding new stages easier for those who purchase the game.