Hi guys!,
english is not my first language but here it goes,
wanted to show what ive been working on, its an angrybirds like engine, with ability to save/load levels on the fly, ive spend more time on the editor itself than the actual game, because i just wanted to create a base that i then take further to other concepts then a pure angrybird clone,
i first build the leveleditor on a seperate level, but i reconsidered that and made it so you can directly test the level your working on, the cool thing is that the instant you create certain objects, the projectile will act accordingly > enemy object/destructable objects,
the last thing i added was that the object saves properties like moveble/immovable, so i can add groundobject or static objects
i also created it that the levels are saved to a mysql database, (wich took me the longest time as i didnt know php/mysql) but now i least know the basics, this demo is an ingame saving system, because im still working out security + its way faster like this
the leveleditor controls are explained in the leveleditor
to shoot, just pull and let go :) you also switch camera by clicking on screen
smoothest play is ofcourse chrome, but opengl is also activated, so firefox and the lot will also play reasonable i think
so let me know what you think!