I'm about to start working on the game again. My child is near to complete 1 year and the full script is done and I'm learning some new techniques of drawing, like Comics, manga, etc, to help in the development.
Soon Steam Games will have a high quality piece of art with soul, pixels and flavor of old school adventure.
The full game will miss the actual style to bring cinematic, puzzles / mini games and a SCUMM format.
I hope to come here in two or three months to share some new screenshots of the scenarios, tips, etc.
If you played the game at this time, and play the full game, you'll understand everything and will be surprised by the immense story arc, to leave the group on the river corner.
Oh, also, the game will be made with the same passion I did the showcase, and will be made firstly for myself, for my pleasure, and after, when finished and satisfied, you'll be able to play it on Steam, GooglePlay, Mac and iOS.
It's all for now folks, see you soon!