— I don't know how to count the lines ^^! But let's say it's messy and way too big/complex for what it does. I'm sure a more experienced C2 user could shrink it to half. For example, due to all the particular settings and rules for each level, I got an evensheet by level + 12 more always included to handle win/lose conditions, AI, special FX, sound, worldmap, pause menu etc... Like I said, a real mess.
And I know I will have to add a bit more of it, because some evensheets are really overloaded and make very difficult to find stuff in it, even with tons of comments and fancy ascii arrows.
untune I'm only using the built-in car behavior, but with A LOT of additional settings on it. Sometimes it uses the car behavior, sometimes it doesn't at all. It really depends on what happens on screen. : )
Scofano — Yep, as soon as the Gamescom is over, I will produce the 2nd video devlog, and maybe open a classic text devlog thread on TIG.