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Did it !!!
It was hard as hell, but I did it.
The ending was a bit anti-climatic.
I think that is with a high level of challenge but fun.
Great game! It definitely was a good level of challenge.
AlbertHall — Studios danialgoodwin Thank you for your feedback.
Albert I have more to do with it I just can't finish until I get the paid version (Tax Time) and then I'm really going to get into this one.
I assure you it will give you the Climatic Ending you desire.
Thank you
Good game, level 5 was borderline impossible until you realized the before unused mechanic, so an introduction to that earlier would help, but yeah an acceptable challenge...
The collision detection was more annoying to be honest...Grrr
pixel perfick, I agree, there seemed to be plenty of times the character wasn't actually touching the skulls, but still died anyways. Especially, when I got close to a skull then "jumped", I guess the hand would suddenly reach out and try to touch the skull.
pixel perfick danialgoodwin This is true when you jumps he makes a almost snatched up motion which is what I wanted because it's a gravity switch. If I space it too far it will be too easy so you have watch you movement at all times which is part of the fun. This way you have to take your time and not just zoom through it. Working on about 15 more levels that will make you think more and not worry so much about movement.
I wish instead of a diamond, it was a dog.
Perhaps a plot where his dog got out and he has to go get it.
Diamonds are so over-rated.
AlbertHall That's a great idea... I was already thinking of making a theme for each one like a Safari, Snow and things like that so thank you for your input.
There's more work to be done and I'm working on it thanks...