This was my Elmhurst College team's game, Descenters. It is a simple game we made in the 48 hours of the 2014 GGJ, by Balaporte (who does happen to be registered here on the forums and is an amazing C2 programmer), Koopmant (who did the majority of the non-code work), and I (who did some art but more programming).
Right now it is rather unpolished because we did not have the time to create official levels or progression (i.e. tech demo status), but the majority of the game mechanics we wanted to add have been properly placed within the game! :) But if you have any suggestions at all, please post them and —
Descenders page link
Descenders game direct link
And if you ask, yes, our team logo is that of bacon being force-fed to a deer.
<font size="3">How To Play</font>
Use the WASD or arrow keys to move.
Numbers 1 through 7 each spawn your character to move, however, you cannot change characters once you select one.
Each character can see only one specific object. That character is not affected by their particular object, and some cause particular effects to occur based on the object.
However, collide with, say, a wall if you do not choose the knight-looking-character, then that character will be knocked out and you must choose another character.
<font size="3">Future plans</font>
- Create tutorial and/or in-game instructions
- Interactive start menu
- Custom loading screens
- Level progression through more difficult levels and accumulating characters
- Compatibility with mobile devices!