Hi guys! I'm currently making a survival game called "Bevar in the Wild!"
It's pretty cool, but I wanna know what you guys think.
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/61808535/ScreenshotBevar4.png" border="0" />
Here's the links:
v0.4.6: dl.dropbox.com/u/61808535/Bevar%20in%20the%20Wild%20v0.4.6.zip
Use W, A, S, D to move.
You can give dead birds to ghosts and make a possessed bird!
Press 1 to equip Bow (Its in the tool slot, you just cant see it)
Tell me what you guys think!
EDIT: I updated the game to version 0.4.9, which adds a working crafting system, and a bunch of cool items, improved sprites, and some other cool junk. Enjoy! You can check out the latest Bevar news at my site over here: lantixpro.com/news Pretty cool. Also, this was featured on DravenX Games! Link: