[PLAYABLE] Testing a sprite based 3rd person template.

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Fruit Slicer Template & Quality fruit and slice graphics (c3p,png,illustrator files)
  • Just looked at the source - and I have no idea what you did

    And it's tiny. I thought there would be a lot of events - but boy was I wrong.

    It's great and when I have time I will study it.

    THX for sharing

  • Just looked at the source - and I have no idea what you did

    And it's tiny. I thought there would be a lot of events - but boy was I wrong.

    It's great and when I have time I will study it.

    THX for sharing

    There are two areas, the viewport and everything outside of it which is the simulation area. The simulation area is where you put object_ objects. The player never sees these. Each object_ has a sprite_ attached to it by UID. The camera object is in the simulation area. The difference between the camera angle and the relative angle of an object_ to the camera is used to determine the X placement in the viewport for the sprite_ that belongs to that object_. For this I had to solve for the FOV by dividing up 360 and stuff. A similar thing is done for the Y coordinate but instead of relative angle the distance between camera and an object_ is used to determine Y placement from the horizon and scale of the corresponding sprite_. Hope this helps.

  • There are some extra objects in the simulation area that I was using to delete trees and mark out a road. Just ignore those.

  • roguecore - I like how you made 3D possible by just using events . But there are still many bugs on scaling, field of view and movement. Sometimes when I scale, the sprites becomes inverted (If scaled too small, I think) and when I increase or decrease the field of view when I move the objects tends to follow the players movement so they move away from the player. But I still like it, a little more fix and it'll be amazing.

    Thanks! Yeah, I didn't not lock the scale value to stop at zero so you can actually set it to negative numbers. This would cause the sprites to invert. I knew the sprites were acting funny when you had really high FOV set but I didn't think it would matter since most games are probably going to be played between 60-90 FOV. However, after reading your comments I went back and looked again and I realized that it's behaving exactly how it's supposed to. I set the FOV up to 360 and as you walk forward you can see as the sprites reach the camera they move from the center to the edge of the view and reverse direction. This happens because the left and right areas of the screen are covering the rear 180 of the FOV. So it's like looking in a rear view mirror almost. Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Awesome! The question now would be how to draw walls. Polygon plugin maybe?

    The real pain will be the the z-sorting I guess.

  • Awesome! The question now would be how to draw walls. Polygon plugin maybe?

    The real pain will be the the z-sorting I guess.

    Yeah, that's the problem. I've considered maybe using the polygon plugin to color ground areas. You wouldn't have to worry about z-sorting problems for that. Maybe it will be best to just line up sprites like they're pillars to make some barriers. You couldn't do too much of this because the sprite count would get huge really fast. I'm thinking this experiment would be used for mostly outdoor games and just stick to sprites so there's a consistent style. I think there's a way to project sprites so they look flat on the ground so you could make puddles and paths and stuff. I'll work on this part next I think.

  • WOW! Most excellent game prototype. Runs on NWJS with superb speed.

    I saw the amazing "The Quest" on Steam - most beautiful UI I saw in years in an RPG - and wondered, why they could make the combat soo annoyingly simple and _not fun_. Your game could have a setup for the controls you show on screen, to be saved and everybody can play in their favorite camera settings.

    * You MUST have good animated combats,

    * with blood splatters,

    * sword swings and

    * monsters bodies/legs thrown high in the air as they fall from the player's blows.

    * Vice versa if the monster hits the player.

    * If you wanna get rich:

    + DODGE: Add LEFT<-->RIGHT "rolling on ground"-animations for when enemy archers [seen in the distance] shoot an arrow, players can notice [seeing the enemy drawing his bow and the arrow shoot animation and the telltale sound it should make!] then you must display the incoming arrow to be seen by the player so the player can dodge. Different enemies shoot the arrow at different speeds, making the dodge-action success more difficult.

    + AXE THROWING ENEMIES: player can see incoming thrown axes [spinning] or swords [spinning] and try to dodge these

    + MAGIC MISSILE shooting enemy mages: easier, since you can animate an energy-missile and simply scale it up as it is incoming and the player should be able to dodge these too. Albeit magic might help guide the missile to the target a bit..

    You could make so much money with this game on Steam. Believe in yourself!!

    So much junk is sent to Steam for Greenlight nowadays, you could rake a path among those games!

  • Yeah, that's the problem. I've considered maybe using the polygon plugin to color ground areas. You wouldn't have to worry about z-sorting problems for that. Maybe it will be best to just line up sprites like they're pillars to make some barriers. You couldn't do too much of this because the sprite count would get huge really fast. I'm thinking this experiment would be used for mostly outdoor games and just stick to sprites so there's a consistent style. I think there's a way to project sprites so they look flat on the ground so you could make puddles and paths and stuff. I'll work on this part next I think.

    What if sprites have a collision box that gets enabled by distance and position of player sprite?

  • I will examine the source file. But i should say it's really impressive. There are many possibilities to use this in game. Congratulations.

  • Trying a field of 'stars' to simulate movement for a space shooter using the same technique as before. You can move through and around the particle area.

    Everything is still 2D sprites on a 2D plane.


  • Very cool indeed! Add some parallax fx there and you can make out something quite spectacular. wouldnt do great in some sort of... zombi horde survival, if you know what i mean. You don't even need walls for that.

    I tried to do something like that at some point, but failed miserably. I'm gonna study your code carefully and... argh, physics! -_-

  • Has anyone done anything with this? Show me if you have

  • This is just amazing, I was blown away. Would be great to see it in a game.

    I think drawing walls maybe could be done with a bunch of long vertical stripes next to each other that are just thin enough to look acceptable, but if you have too many of them it would cause a large performance drop.

  • I really quickly made this little mouse control prototype, and it works surprisingly well, although the whole point of doing it this way was to not be limited by the screen borders, which this solution definitely is.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2z1b3nocg4ur ... 6.png?dl=0

  • Damn, its good! I tried to make something like that, but end up with so many sprites to count distances and angles. I also making 3Dish walls, so i want to test them here.

    I've tried to tweak some things, but can't make simulation layer bigger. I believe bigger size could make building level much better. Any ideas?

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