iBarin's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Damn, its good! I tried to make something like that, but end up with so many sprites to count distances and angles. I also making 3Dish walls, so i want to test them here.

    I've tried to tweak some things, but can't make simulation layer bigger. I believe bigger size could make building level much better. Any ideas?

  • Oh, THAT simple.. my bad. Thanks for answer.

  • Hi, I'm trying to understand how this plugin works. I managed to send messages to the screen, but I have a question:

    Can I send numbers instead of text? Or can I get these numbers from messages?

    Basically I want to transfer the coordinates of one object from the controller, for its copy on the screen. But I would have enough data transfer accelerometer.

    I see that no one is doing this and there are no examples of what I want, so maybe this can not be done? I would like to know why?

  • All together, and in a loop.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/wufajac41g3tx ... .capx?dl=0

    OMG, now I see. I need to "spawn object from the rock", not from "System create object"! Thank you again.

  • dropbox.com/s/8dabfxdftge85d5/waterThings.capx

    Thanks for reply. I try to repeat your examle, never use "Pick . . ." before.

    What I see: you pick everytime only one rock. I change it to "pick all" and in your example it works well, but in mine isn't. I try to make visible rocks execute event all together. Is it possible? (why is it works in your example, but not in mine?)

    Right now I can get it work only with "random pick" and every tick, but it look more like cheat.


    And one more: you toggle boolean on destroing splash, but it doesn't allow to make couple of splashes at the same time (plus, I kill them with fade). It's not what I trying to test. But I can't realize: is boolean variable THAT needed? Why it can't just check visibility and work on timer?

    I really want to understand principle.

    Thanks again for help

  • Hi again. I create simple example of my problem, but it still didn't work.

    I want to create splash under every visible rock, then it grow and fade out. But it works only for one copy. how to pick all fitting objects?

    pic: i.imgur.com/BNvtD5B.png%22

    "For each= rock" didn't work too.

    I think I dont understand something really basic.

  • You can group the enemies with an instance variable same goes for players. Lets say you have 3 players and 15 enemies, you can set the first player and 5 enemies with an instance variable one, and in the event sheet where you call the event add one more condition player id == 0 && enemies id == 1, and for the second group add another event with those ID's set to 1.

    Thanks for reply!

    I think I did it in that version already. When I spawn battle menu (battle_tag) i write number of player to instance variable. I use this number to select right colomn in array.

    here pic of creating this object. i.imgur.com/B8rTkY5.png

    What I see: event condition fits to exact battle, but somehow while it works it cant be used for another copy of object.

    Or I didnt get you right?

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  • Hi everyone, I often get stuck with events and their order of execution but now I lost any idea whats wrong.

    I'm making realtime hot-seat game on the grid (like bomberman, but with creeps).

    When player attack NPC , battle menu(battle_tag) appears over and copy player/enemy parameters into a separate array (array_battle).

    The battle is automatic: each side deals damage with its speed (takes from the array)

    Sides hit each other's health until one of them is over, then the menu is removed and the player can move on.

    The problem is that there are several live players in the game who can start fights at any one time.

    Right now I can't make so that one event is performed for each object(battle_tag) separately.

    I tried several options, and in the latter it turns out that one battle is waiting for the previous one to be end.

    Thats how I do it now i.imgur.com/HHAyxBF.png

    *without FOR EACH event run only for one object.

    file: dropbox.com/s/fzl73ofdn9e9y27/homm_test.capx?dl=1

    Just move at enemes in one time (W for PL1 and left arrow for PL2). At debug you can see rusults in array_battle.

  • 8 posts