First game finished soon! [2D MOBA]

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2d mushroom sprite 2d game character enmy sprite game art
  • Hello!

    I started my "League of Pixels" project some months ago and now it's nearly finished!

    The game is an 2D retro styled MOBA (Multiplay OFFLINE Battle Arena) and offers some 1vs1 matches with you and your friends! For now there is a roster of 3 Characters available and I also just finished my in-match Item shop! Killing a unit gains coins and you can spend them INSIDE a match to gain Damage or Speed.

    Each character also got a skin so it won't become boring as fast.

    The only things left for the complete release is a small jungle or some other objectives to take focus on. Right now there is only 1 lane with some terrain above but that's all. I work on my own, so I can't progress the game as fast ^^

    You can test the game without downloading it on this site:

    Here is a preview of the last big update (New character's skin and the Shop + Coins)

    I hope you enjoy my game and leave some suggestions! (Also, help is always welcome :3 )

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  • I was about to report a broken game, but it finally loaded. You may want some sort of load screen to acknowledge that whatever site is hosting the game is actually responding to the requests.

    Is this like a Dota 2 game? it looks interesting but I have no clue on how to play this sort of game. Maybe some sort of tutorial, or a help system?

    About the artwork, You need to watch the scale of the pixels. You should go for a nice consistent size and stick with it. In construct 2 not all of the tiles need to be the same dimensions, so for the bigger static objects you should use a higher resolution.

    For example Quake, the 3D game, has a pixel scale of 1 pixel to an imperial inch. The scale of the textures on the models, and on the walls all reflect this, and give Quake a very consistent look.

    TV monitors only had 1 size of pixel, so for a "retro" look you should keep the scales uniform. A quick fix is to use the Scirra "pixelate" filter on everything so that the pixels all match the same scale exactly.

    Besides that, the game looks interesting. I like how much detail you put into the scenes. And I like all of the animated things you made. I also like the color pallet you used.

    Keep up the good work. Looking nice 8)

  • Thank you so much for your review!

    Yes, the game is somehow similar to games like Dota 2 and LoL, but in 2D

    You have to kill minions + the enemy and try to push to the enemy base to win. Many things are still in work of course.

    To the graphics:

    I also thought about the pixel size, but I got so little time so I just scaled all sprites

    When the game is in a higher state I will obviously take some time on the graphics! And thank you for your tips!

  • >


    Thank you so much for your review!

    Yes, the game is somehow similar to games like Dota 2 and LoL, but in 2D

    You have to kill minions + the enemy and try to push to the enemy base to win. Many things are still in work of course.

    To the graphics:

    I also thought about the pixel size, but I got so little time so I just scaled all sprites <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    When the game is in a higher state I will obviously take some time on the graphics! And thank you for your tips!

    No problem.

    You have the basics of a good game down. Lots of animated things, lots of things that are non-game like that background and fine details.

    I use an application called Blender. In the time it takes me to make a walk-cycle with a sprite in a 2D application, I can have a 3D model rigged, and ready to rock and roll.

    It teaks a little time to learn blender, but the results are worth it. Once you get the hotkeys down the application is actually quite easy to use. The hotkeys are relitive in the compositor, so you can use the same skills to edit ,and composit video, or just mix samples together, and talk like a tough guy and make that "Hippy hop" music the kids love.

    It even has a text editor! (syntax hilighted too 8) )

    Slices and dices models, in a fraction of a second. It is also a very powerful vacuum cleaner apperently from the song it was named after .

    Well anyway, to do the pixel scale changes I mentioned for your game would only take a few minutes, rather than having to start from scratch.

    Give it a go:

  • I like the split screen. Some nice graphics too. Good Luck!

  • staleevolution Thank you !

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