APEXICON - Puzzle RPG - DevLog - Kickstarter FUNDED

From the Asset Store
An amazing and interesting puzzle game for kids!
  • All I've seen from a lot of your posts are blatant attempts to bump you back to the front page. I mean, you figured something out and it's coming along swimmingly now.... No details on what was wrong or how you fixed it. Why don't you just start a blog?

  • All I've seen from a lot of your posts are blatant attempts to bump you back to the front page. I mean, you figured something out and it's coming along swimmingly now.... No details on what was wrong or how you fixed it. Why don't you just start a blog?

    Well I'm hoping to stir conversation with gents like you, of course!

    And I already have a blog on my site, but this is for Construct 2 people so they can see what you can accomplish with the creator.

    If you want particulars, I can give them.

    So Sharpened Wit was all implemented through events that were set up as:




    and so forth, and it would change the letters on the board to be "powered up".

    My problem I was having recently was that the letters would drop as planned if you avoided using them, but they would "reset" the letter back to being non-powered up.

    What happened to fix it was to create a separate sprite that keeps track of what states all the tiles are in, instead of just creating a global variable for each (and in fact, I already have for the base tiles). Doing that allow me to configure "switches" that the game would "flip" if the letter in the tile was consistent with the letter being powered up before it (as it was meant to happen).

    Thus I fixed it, and now it works swimmingly!

    I'm sorry if you think I'm spamming. I'm just updating.

  • All I've seen from a lot of your posts are blatant attempts to bump you back to the front page. I mean, you figured something out and it's coming along swimmingly now.... No details on what was wrong or how you fixed it. Why don't you just start a blog?

    I believe any moderator would've taken care of him a looooooooong time ago if there was any issue. At least this guy stays motivated and humble no matter what the crowd throws at him.

    On-topic: I saw Apexicon on Steam Greenlight a few days ago and I had a slight flashback, quickly remembering that the name sounded familiar... and here it was! Best of luck to you, pal. I can see myself in your shoes in the near future!

    Now all I need to do is push ahead of the game development's version of "friend zone" - the concept zone. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I've got a crazy cool concept for the game after this. This is the most fleshed out concept however!

    And you have to stay humble. You are letting the world see the ideas you have had in your head, so you want to be nice to those who have seen it.

  • Ashodin, don't get dishartened; even though most of the time I am not commenting at all, I am still happy to see updates from you and enjoy reading all of them. Keep the pace and good luck!

  • These are the type of responses that keep me working at a breakneck pace.

  • Announcing:

    <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/001/297/144/00d097d7fb49fa4962722b1199487f63_large.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/tN7yFA0.jpg" border="0" />

    WALL-ACH Mark V2.3

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/L7Lvmch.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/KbIIQzP.png" border="0" />

    Last thing I'm working on tonight is beginnings of AI, then it's AI tomorrow.

  • Ashodin, don't get dishartened; even though most of the time I am not commenting at all, I am still happy to see updates from you and enjoy reading all of them. Keep the pace and good luck!

    Same here!

  • Kudos on being so motivated and enthusiastic. I'm not trying to bring you down, but even you have to admit those posts where you just write about you found a bug, fixed it, and all is going swimmingly now, is a tad spammy? Sure you might not have time to do a detailed bug report everytime, but at least merge that kind of "bug found and fixed" post with some other meaningful post.

    You say you have a blog, yet you post unneccesary updates like that here. There are many people wanting their creations to be seen here. Do you really think it's fair that someone's creation is bumped off the first page because you decided to tell the world about a bug that was fixed?

    There were a few others but that one stood out to me.

    At least your last post merged a few interesting things together. That's a fair update imo.

    I'm not sure why there's no devlog forums here anyway..

  • I suppose the reason I keep posting updates (and in your opinion, in a "spammy" way) frequently is to show others that there is one key item they need to possess to make their dreams a reality: perseverance. It takes guts and determination to keep on going, and every little bit counts. No matter how small, no matter how inconsequential the push forward, it is the push forward itself that matters.

    And it is why I want to keep other people seeing that a project like this continues to grow, even by the little bits I update with. It's not about being on the front page. It's about showing people how long it takes to do development, and how much you have to be interested in doing it for.

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  • Ashodin It's great to see you persevere and making a cool dev log like this, however if you're following up to a post you made "Yesterday at 9:49pm" with a post "Today at 6:51am" (less than 24 hours apart), I'd say you should edit your first post and put this inside it. (Also, try and link people to your other blog, and get fans to regularly check there, that's how you build a fanbase for future games)

    Maybe if your game was like, last updated week ago or is 50 pages away you should make a new post (if you add new features/have something newsworthy) to bring it back to everyone's attention but I definitely agree with procrastinator 's points.

    Let people like me (other users) bump your game! View count isn't as good as people actively saying your game is great.

    Which reminds me, your game does look great and I can't wait to play it someday <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    I'm not sure why there's no devlog forums here anyway..

    Definitely, I'd love to see this added to the forums.

  • So we will be having a public stream tonight at 9 PM (about an hour from now) to answer any and all questions about APEXICON!

    It'll be live at www.twitch.tv/ashodin. See you there!

  • Ashodin,

    keep moving...no matter what.

  • <img src="http://i.imgur.com/UXyroa1.gif" border="0" />

    Aww yiss take that turn

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/P3BmUZo.gif" border="0" />

    Now it's my turn, son!

  • These are good kinds of updates. You should also post them in "Post Your Screenshots" too though

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