Change any value or parameter gradually with easing effect.
Move objects around with easing. Change the sound volume gradually. Smoothly change an opengl effect parameter. Gradually change variables. You name it.
Easing is frame rate independent since version 1.0.
Ease plugin v.0.1 for Construnct 2
Ease plugin v.1.0 for Construnct 2
Ease plugin v.1.0 for Construnct 3
How it works
1. Create a function that changes any value. Set this value to Function.Param(0)
2. Create Ease action and pass the name of the function to it
3. You're good. Once Ease action is triggered, it starts calling Setter function every tick with a new parameter taking into account Easing effect.
Ease — starts easing
In ease — checks if easing is in progress
On finished — triggered once easing is finished
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