I'm trying to make a game for mobile/tablet (android/ios) but seen the many resolution, images are not good qualities.
Is there a plugin to allow vector graphics on construct 2 ?
Thank you
You should set higher resolution
I tried, the quality is good on mobile but not on tablet.
Image size 300x300 PNG-32, sprite size 160.368, 160.368
I have a samsung galaxy tab 2
Hello Sikro if you have some money there is a good program http://vectormagic.com/home
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I already use a vector image.
I export with Inkscape 300x300 png then I import on Construct 2
But the quality is not good on high resolution like tablets ...
You may want to try if I send the files?
Np send up and i reupload
Download Inkscape if you want open the button vectore (.svg)
Have you got a tablet and mobile to check the quality?
Thank you !
and got InkScape too.
I try.
Try with this one ( Button.PNG)
The quality is much better!
It need just import a big image on Construct 2, right?
(should I leave "none" in image compression?)
Yes if you want your game faster, bigger pictures resize look better than smaller.
If you want do for other things just change the ppp for little picture basically InkScape was at 90 you should up to 1600 ~ 2000.
Good Luck.
Small thing, how can I get a good quality text once the project is compiled?