Hi everyone! I would like to know as well as you can do to move the object to a point under strict angle ( 0, 90, 180, 270) ? The subject should not move diagonally . I tried this movement do with behavior " Pathfinder " when looking for a way to move and to set position , but even if you ban behavior use " diagonal movement " object will not move under strict angle. And I need to move to a strictly vertical and horizontal , heading for a given position . How to implement this , is there any example or a hint ?
<img src="http://rghost.ru/private/51869575/cf8ff3ad6abda3f410ab03f4239a9aea/image.png" border="0" />
In the picture. Green - object, red - point movement, arrows - direction.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. Warning. Google translate.