I'm trying to make this starting page appear when you first start the game, and then disappears when you click 'space'. I did this but then It would always re-appear when I die (platforming game). Can someone please help me make it appear when the game starts but disappears forever when I click space?
Here's the file: dropbox.com/s/f29s19s3y38uyb3/KONNGAME.caproj
— Could you upload your .capx file for us to look at. I cant open your project with your .caproj.txt file.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My bad! here you go: dropbox.com/s/jeb10miugzjmtch/konngam.capx
Your caproj throws an error about missing background...
Here you go t33hp:
I moved your start page to its own layout, and gave it an event sheet of it's own. Also I clicked on your (New project) folder then set your (First Layout) to your (Start) layout in your project (Properties) window. This will make your start page appear when the game starts, and disappear forever when you click space.
Thanks alot!