Paradox Thanks for the replies. Let me try to explain a bit better.
I have 6 disks in the AllDisks Family --
Small, Medium, Large that have bullet behavior and move with - bullet angle of motion 90 degrees. They are created out of sight just above the viewport every random(1,2)secs and move from top to bottom, where they are destroyed outside of layout.
Small, Medium, Large that have bullet behavior and move with - bullet angle of motion 180 degrees. They are created out of sight just below the viewport every random(1,2)secs and move from bottom to top, where they are destroyed outside of layout.
Each separate disk has its own event/action, since they each move at their own random speed, and are created at different intervals, as seen in the example image.
For each AllDisks that is created, it spawns a single StarBlue.
The user has to roll a ball around over the disks without falling off the edges and collect as many of the StarBlue as they can. On collision with the ball, each StarBlue is destroyed and counted.
I'm trying to make it so that when the user has collected/destroyed a random number of StarBlue, a single StarGold is created/spawned on just 1 random AllDisks.
For example: StarCount is equal/ greater than 100 > System choose(a random disk from the AllDisk family) - spawn 1 StarGold -- StarGold pin to the AllDisk that was created at image point 0.
Or something like that. So, basically i need 1 StarGold to be created when the user has collected between 50-100 StarBlue. And have that StarGold be pinned to a random disk.