Hi, How I can get the size of browser window.
Not the size of the screen.
For example the size of the screen can be 1024*728. But user can resize his browser on 321*500.
Where I can get this numbers?
I would also like to know. This will be useful for dynamic canvas resizing, just like on the dynamic websites.
so... Is it any way to get the size of browser window?
I tend to think that we can't, but until someone knowledgefull confirm/disprove it, we'll won't know for sure.
ggman eli0s
WindowWidth and WindowHeight from System expressions is what you need
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thank you. For some reason the WindowWidth/WindowHeight were lodged in my mind as being equivalent to screen size. They indeed return the browser's active area dimensions.
It turns out that It's the lack off set WindowWidth/WindowHeight (or set aspect ratio) expressions that bothers me. The set canvas size doesn't work as I expected, I can't find a way to dynamically position and scale objects in relation to the browser's dimensions. The "Fullscreen in browser" and "Anchor" behavior doesn't seem to help either...
Oh well...