I've been trying to figure this out all night and its driving me insane. I've read the tutorials on isometric and on 8Direction animation and i can't get what i'm looking for.
I have 8 individual frames (i've put them on in one image for this post, but they're separate frames. I also, messed up and switched frame 5-6 in the illustration)
All I want is for the animation frames to line up properly with which key was pressed.
I have it so the first frame is facing right and is set to 0° so, I figured if i broke 360° into 45° chunks i could check the players angle and have it snap to the frame.
The images were rendered out in Blender with the camera set to 45° isometric angle. so, i'd like the sprite to stay heads up and change the frame based on the angle for all 8 directions.
Could anyone help me with this?