ryanhagz's Forum Posts

  • set Margin to zero in the project settings in the left panel.

  • Yeah, I'm starting to realize this is more of an issue then I originally anticipated. I tried messing around with what R0J0hound suggested which was editing the audio plugin itself. This seems like the best option and then just access the Oscillator through the audio plugin. In Audio's edittime.js I managed to add the action needed:

    AddAction(34,0,"Add Oscillator", "General", "Add Oscillator", "Create Oscillator that generates sound at a given frequency.", "AddOsc");[/code:151mb08g]
    My problem, is when I go into Audio's [b]runtime.js[/b] I'm not sure how to work with Web Audio since it looks much different then plain WA.
    Creating an oscillator in plain JS is as simple as: 
    [code:151mb08g]var ctx = new AudioContext(); 
    osc = ctx.createOscillator();
    Forgive me if this seems obvious, I'm just learning the SDK today!
  • I posted a thread in the "How Do I.." section a couple days ago and got no replies on if there was a way to do this without digging into the SDK and creating my own plugin, but that seem to not be the case. I'm just starting to learn the SDK, but my real question is if this is even possible.

    What I'd like to do is create a plugin that extends off of C2's Web Audio support to create an oscillator. I know how to create what I'm looking to achieve in Javascript, my problem however is implementing it into the plugin. I'd really appreciate some help or feedback on this.


  • Bump. I'm really interested in this. Is there anything out there short of creating my own plugin and digging into the SDK? I suppose I could if I had to, but I'd rather not re-create something im just missing..

  • Hey guys,

    I haven't worked much with C2's audio much, but I was just looking at it and it says it supports Web Audio. Now, C2 seems like it has everything WA does except any access to creating an Oscillator. I have prior experience working with WA directly with JS and normally creating an Osc is as simple as something like:

    // create web audio api context
    var ctx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
    // create Oscillator node
    var osc = ctx.createOscillator();
    osc.type = 'square';
    osc.frequency.value = 3000; // value in hertz
    But I can't seem to find anything that allows me to work with [i]generating[/i] the audio as opposed to affecting samples loaded in. Does anyone know if there's a plugin that allows me to? 
    Thanks in advance!
  • shinkan you're absolutely right! For some reason when I create things, I think of them in pieces and then create EVERY piece individually. I know it's not good practice, but old habits die hard.

    I'll look into fixing it up a bit more and updating the tutorial as well!

  • Sandybee check your messages I replied.

  • Hey everyone!

    I've been working on this idea for awhile and I'd love to find like minded C2 users that are interested in helping with it.

    Without going into too much detail, the game is a 2D platformer/top down puzzle adventure game.

    If that sounds like a mouthful, let me explain...

    You play as a character called the Architect that crash landed on a small planet. After exploring a bit, you find that there are primitive sentient lifeforms (similar to cavemen) who by nature are excellent craftsman. They explain to you through pictographs and drawings that there are other nearby planets that also have life, they know this because they've seen other ships like yours in the sky. You help them explore their planet and uncover the secrets of it while they in return, fix your ship for you.

    However, after they finish with your ship you realize that some critical components needed to get you home are still missing and must have broken off before crashing and landed on the other nearby planets.

    The point of the game is to explore planets, each one more advanced than the last, and space helping the natives of each planet with various problems they have by solving different types of puzzles and collecting the necessary pieces to your ship.

    In between planets however, will be top down and you can also do other things like fight off bandits, collect supplies, and solve puzzles needed for some quests in your newly fixed ship.

    While any and all help is welcomed and appreciated, what I'm really looking for is an experienced artist.

    Every aspect of a game from the characters, levels, storyline, sounds, even to the logo design is integral to make a good game, but great artwork is one of the most important things in my opinion because it's what sets the tone, draws the player in, and makes the game stand out among its peers visually.

    I can handle all of the coding unless someone else would like to contribute to the coding aspect. I also produce electronic music, so I can create and design most of the needed sound effects and music in FL Studio unless again, a sound designer is interested in contributing.

    I wish I had some nice fancy screenshots for you all to admire however, that's half the reason I'm here!

    I'd love to answer any questions or feedback you guys have, feedback is what progresses projects and makes them better!

    Thanks for listening!

  • okay, so i've done what you said with setting the frames based upon the angle (0/45,45/45,90/45,135/45...etc)

    Where I'm confused is, what should the condition be since we are no longer comparing if the player is within a range of angles? Sorry if this seems obvious, i'm just not getting it.


  • Yeah, but 360 / 8 = 45° which is what i am currently doing. with the, "is between" conditions in the OP. If i'm misunderstanding, could you post an example possibly? Like I said, I've tried doing it multiple ways even using flags so when 'W' and 'D' or 'A' are pressed together, switch to NE or NW frame.

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  • I've been trying to figure this out all night and its driving me insane. I've read the tutorials on isometric and on 8Direction animation and i can't get what i'm looking for.

    I have 8 individual frames (i've put them on in one image for this post, but they're separate frames. I also, messed up and switched frame 5-6 in the illustration)


    All I want is for the animation frames to line up properly with which key was pressed.

    I have it so the first frame is facing right and is set to 0° so, I figured if i broke 360° into 45° chunks i could check the players angle and have it snap to the frame.


    The images were rendered out in Blender with the camera set to 45° isometric angle. so, i'd like the sprite to stay heads up and change the frame based on the angle for all 8 directions.

    Could anyone help me with this?

  • Awesome, fun, challenging game. Although there are some bugs. Such as, if you let them go too long the AI paths start melding together into a big cluster of guards which on some levels leaves you with no way out but a death. Also, as people mentioned in the comments over on Kongregate, level 17 wouldn't load. Still nice work man, gave it a 4/5.

  • This is an old project of mine, it was made during the whole Flappy Bird craze and I just never got around to finishing it.

    I figured I'd throw it up here and see what people think.

    In the end, what I really wanted to do was have some sort of blockades in between the obstacles that the player has to shoot out to move through and other enemy droids coming at you some how and be able to shoot them down for bonus points. The gun is implemented already (right click/hold), but the only thing you can shoot right now is the multiplier coins (which can also be collected by going over them).

    I also liked the idea of a store menu or home screen where you can buy things and change things like the color of your droid.

    As I said, this is an older project when I was first learning C2 so the coding is a bit sloppy, but it works.

    Anyways, hope you enjoy it.

  • Hmmm, this is a good question. I'd be interested to know a proper way to do this as well. My only guess would be doing something along the lines of setting up an instance variable on a type of enemy, name the variable "dead" or something. Then, each time you kill one of them, check their UID and set their "dead" variable to true so, if dead = true --- destroy enemy.

    I'd be interested to see what other people have to say too.

  • The .capx below has 4 numbers that are random between 1-10.

    If you'd like to have your default numbers be a particular number when the page loads, just delete the "On start of layout" code block.

    It's only there so when the pages loads the first round of random numbers is already generated.

    Hope it helps!