Note: You will need the MoveTo Plugin by Rex for this to work
Ok so here it is... Its a little complicated and i got really lazy towards the end so I revisit later and upload with full comments (maybe make a tutorial) but here you set the room name, and player name and then connect. Each player will only scroll to them selves and see whaty other players are doing at the same time. (Also i got lazy and it only supports 2 players so if more than 2 go in the room it will break)
Any way I also do things very different from how Ashley does (no discounting his genius i just do things different). I hated the lag that occurred from associating objects so i built a highly compressed data transmission method. What I do is make everything a function call and simulate actions. When player 1 presses left.. he calls a function to simulate moving left on his screen and at the same time sends a multiplayer message to other players as a dictionary JSON string they the decode and tells them to call the exact same function for player 1 on their screen.. Everyone sees the same thing and instead of syncing for every X,Y change i send a single message and tell it to persist until i tell it to stop. the move to is just the last peice that fires off to ensure the players are where they are supposed to be on each other screen.
Take a look.. Hopefully it helps.. Again I'm sorry for not commenting but i got a little tired pulling this out of my code to make an example.