Hello, i am trying to scale some sprites inside of the Construct image editor, but there is no scale proportionally option. Is the only way to do it in bitmap editor?
I've never been able to find this myself, I just either make my sprites the correct size when making them or work out the ratio with a handy calculator and set each value separately.
Thank you,
PS: Where can i get such calculator? When i enter first value and it will automaticaly enter the second value
Here's the formula for calculating the proportional height from the width.
height = width* OriginalHeight/OriginalWidth
uff maybe it woulb easier to just implement it into construct ) , thank you for answers
In the editor you can hold down shift when dragging resize handles to scale proportionally.
In events you can use the set scale action to set the scale proportionally to the original size. 1 ortiginal, 0.5 haf, 2 double.
Thank you , but scalling image in the editor does scale the actual image? or it is just make it smaller but the resolution stays the same?
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Using the resize tool inside the image editor does actually resize the image. But there is not option to keep the proportions, you have to enter both values (the Width and Height) yourself. You can calculate the proportions using a calculator.