...wot? ·_·
thanks for the answer
newt , but i don't really think Im getting it... What you mean, a variable comparison?
I'm not saying individual tiles, but the whole object thing -- make the whole tilemap into a merely decorative thing (as platforms an jumpthrus and stuff are implemented separatedly).
Yeah Im having performance issues. Getting around 10-15k collision checks per second. Im not savvy on the art of debuggin, but i think thats a lot. Not even 100% sure it's the tilemap -- but me tilemap is 360,000 tiles big (25600 x 14400 px), tiles at 32px, and uses currently 68982 collision rects, which i also think is quite a lot. On the bright side, I'm using png-8... and, again, only need the tilemap itself for decorative purposes.
I'm beginning to fear i should have used many small tilemaps instead of this monster. Well i could split mine into smaller ones, but this would be rather ****** work (and just the kind of thing you spend hours doing and tweaking and fixing just to realize on testing that performance blues is still there), so i'm checking other possibilities first.
There's always the possibility, or even probability, that I'm doing other things wrong too. I'm doing a big sandbox, which is always tricky on performance, but (i think) I'm properly disabling behaviours and stuff of faraway objects so they don't mess with frameflow... anyway, this should be stuff for another topic -- if this one finally doesn't ease my worried mind ;P