Is it possible to make a rpg game (like pokemon?)

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From the Asset Store
Easily generate many levels from a set of pre-built scenes (Construct 3 template for top-down view games)
  • Is it possible to make a rpg with construct 2 that you catch monsters, level them up, power them up?(I am not a pokemon fan, but this is the kind of game i wanna game)

  • yes it is, hope I answered your question

    If you want to know how:

    Read about arrays and instance variables. A combination of both should help you get starting.

  • yes it is, hope I answered your question

    If you want to know how:

    Read about arrays and instance variables. A combination of both should help you get starting.

    I will read them later.

    Also thank you

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  • Yes, but the stat crunching and data manipulation aren't for the feint of heart.

  • Yes, but the stat crunching and data manipulation aren't for the feint of heart.

    What do you mean?

  • > Yes, but the stat crunching and data manipulation aren't for the feint of heart.


    What do you mean?

    Behind every game is data, and data is usually placed into array. And array and data and all the calculations etc that is game development isn't paint by numbers. It isn't have a game in a couple hours. Expect to spend a considerable amount of time building your game. Expect many many smash your head against the wall sessions

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