I have 3 animations - nebulas, stars and planets, with each one having a different number of frames. Nebulas- 4, stars - 3, planets - 9.
I would like to pick 1 frame from each of those animations (if i could pick 1 or 2 random frames from planets would be great) and create them on the 'Space' layer of every layout except for the splash screen.
Right now, i am using only 2 Event Sheets for all 6 layouts. I have all 'ACTION' functionality on 1 event sheet that deals with the player, asteroids, enemies and sounds during gameplay. The other event sheet holds everything else, such as menu buttons, options, high scores....
Is it possible to do this, with as few events as possible, and/or should i have the splash screen events on their own sheet?
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.