Hello there;
Ho do I save persist sprite to Local Storage ?
If you use 'system : save' this will save the game, and you can use 'system : load' action later to load it.
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lionz I already have Local Storage system and I want to save persisting sprites only without saving any thing in the game except it
What specific data are you trying to save?
I gave a Sprite a persist behavior, so I want to save this sprite status
The persist behaviour itself saves the sprite's status when you go between layouts, that's what it is for. If you want to save the sprite after you close the game and load it again then you use system save/load.
I tried save/load before but I have a lot of objects and types , doesn't work good
any other suggestions ?
Instead of using "Persist" on the objects you want to save outside game sessions, use "No Save" behavior on the objects you don't want saved instead, it should work better
Tomycase I have coins with "persist" behavior every time I do "save" game hanging in addition to Object types: 135
Save game is what you're after, it saves the state of the game including the many objects you have. Not sure I can explain it any other way.
I have 3 layouts:
1.Main menu
3.Game (coins (persist behavior) on this layout)
So, when to save and when to load ?
That's not for anyone else to answer but yourself, you design the game and where the player saves their progress.
lionz I came this forum (How do I . . ) to get thoughts and help so I can solve my problem. not to do this by myself