What I want is to be able to drag any object instance and not have it overlap
This is where Im up to:
I can drag-drop obj_Blue and it wont overlap obj_Red or the Red and it wont overlap the Blue.
I tried but cant do this for the same obj_. obj_Red + obj_Red
I can pick the instance but cant action it.
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I solved your picking problem but the way your code is now it starts to glitch when you want to link more then two blocks together. I think you have got more work ahead of you.
kriand I did think it could be done with family's but I am using the free edition.
Do you think it was possible to fix without family plugin?
I do this for fun and a challenge but only started 2 months ago.
Thanx for your wor
Yes there is another way. You can create an invisible sprite, pin it to your objects an check the collision:
Thanx again but its still buggy. Im trying to use the snap-to event and an array to avoid collisions/overlapping.
I will post something if I figure it out.
I have tried this.It seems to work lol mostly.
* drive.google.com/open?id=1mTKaOQa1UaBEPRGVwMSIB2qnwMxES7NE *
Is there any examples of what Im trying?
I have no idea where to start to search