Hello, I'm trying to use leaderboard in one of my games.
I read tutorials and many threads but it still doesn't work.
I'm using newest version of Clay plugin and CocoonJS v1.4.
Tested in Android devices.
These are what I did:
- Make new game in Clay.io
- Set API key and make a leaderboard.
- Load Clay plugin and set API key.
- Put some events and actions.
- Preview in browser. Works perfect.
- Export to CocoonJS.
- Copying 'webview' folder and other 4 files into zip file.
- Test in CCJS Launcher. I can see something's going on about clay plugin in console window, but nothing happens. There's no problem in game except for Clay features.
- Compile and execute.
- Same things happen.
Is there anything I have to review or consider?