nimos100, where can i find the audio object source in order to change the path?
You can't that's the whole problem. So you have to make a "fictional" source to bypass it. That's why I wrote in the original post, that its a mystery why you can't access the source of an audio object, because it should be fairly easy to do.
But here is how you bypass it:
The folder setting can be ignored, so doesn't matter if its "Sounds" or "Music" so don't worry about that.
Notice that in the variable Audio_filename = "Sound_effect.ogg", it actually need to be "Audio_filename = "Sound_effect" otherwise it wont work. I just added the ".ogg" so you could see it was the filename. Since you can't load files without the extension you will always get the filenames with it, so you have to extract just the filename from you sound files which you can do with Tokencount and Tokenat if the files are in different locations, or just with tokenat if all the sounds are in the same folder.
Since you say you have 10000 sounds, you of course have to add some functionality that can automate this for you. So you have to update the variables rather than trying to change the source of the audio object. But again its not a elegant solution, but the only way I have made it work.