Hello guys,
I got the same problem with repeating sounds by hovering and this thread was kinda helpful but now the problem starts to get a bit different and I dont know how to solve it anymore.
Like I said a sound should play each time when I hover an object. Because of the repeating problem I used 2 conditions. I also use pngs with transparency wich cause that when I hover the object on a half-/full transparent part, the sound starts to loop again infinitely. That's why I made an invisible box to triggter the event.
he Problem now is that the sound loops right at the beginning of the layout until I hover the button 1 time. Then it's working just the way it should!
Here are the necessary code parts. (I "scripted" just 1 button but I show you all of them because I think it could help understand the situation better)
<img src="http://s14.directupload.net/images/130329/65nkx86d.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="http://s7.directupload.net/images/130329/6h6w8ixt.jpg" border="0" />
Could anyone help me? :)