See this and help me pleaseee !! - SOlved

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  • this not what i want. Ah just one problem after another.

    Any solution for the arrow ??? It`s spawn o much ...

    At event sheet

    Compare 8 frame - bow spawn the arrow

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  • please remove the animation, it is really hard to look at your event sheet like that.

    Also, write down what is the problem, its your game, only you know how it should work

  • please remove the animation, it is really hard to look at your event sheet like that.

    Also, write down what is the problem, its your game, only you know how it should work

    Well the problem is happen when it animate..

    Event :

    The bow will set angel at mouse

    Left click the bow will play the animation

    Compare 8 frame then the bow spawn the arrow and as you can see the arrow spawn to many of them.. I want 1 at a time

  • the bow animation check is true every tick (60 times a second) while the frame is 8. so if the frame is 8 for one second.. it should spawn 60... get it? try adding a trigger once while true.

    and for the record, as stated before me, the animation is super annoying.

  • the bow animation check is true every tick (60 times a second) while the frame is 8. so if the frame is 8 for one second.. it should spawn 60... get it? try adding a trigger once while true.

    and for the record, as stated before me, the animation is super annoying.

    What animation ? Which one ?

    Thanks for the great facts that really makes sense... Now I know that`s my fault XD

  • What animation ? Which one ?

    The animated gif in your post. I had to take a screenshot just to look at your events...

  • Oh soory for that. spacedoubt ok now when compare 8 = boolean is true.. So then how to make it false in second..

    If it still true the bow will keep spawning the arrow

  • Did you try adding "trigger once while true" to that event?

  • yeah it`s still my fault spacedoubt .. In C++ when someone say "trigger I think it`s about boolean .. In this case it` not XD

    Thanks again

  • my opinion is

    Add arrow in animation also, so arrow can also animate, When your are going to fire then put arrow in the right position and in animation frame last frame should be without arrow because original will be their for fired

  • this not what i want. Ah just one problem after another.

    Any solution for the arrow ??? It`s spawn o much ...

    At event sheet

    Compare 8 frame - bow spawn the arrow

  • Dude, they told you. Use 'trigger once while true'. Why ?

    Your animation is not playing at 1 frame/tick. On my computer that would be 120 frames/second. I guess it is playing at 10 frames a second.

    So when you say... If animationframe = 8. That animation = 8 for several ticks in a row. And each tick this frame = 8, an arrow gets spawned, exactly as you ask it to do.

    Use 'trigger once while true' in that event, as they told you.

    And that animated gif is superannoying.

  • 99Instances2Go i i i i i dont` understand .. Are you just repeat what they say.. And yes.. I shouldn`t "Gif the event sheet i should just capture it

  • Or trow you capx, i (or some one else will modify it), or try to understand.

    When the animation frame = frame 8, you want it to spawn an arrow. But.

    Your animation will not change a frame each tick. Because the speed of the animation is lower than the speed of ticks / second. A tick is the time it takes for al events to run once. On a fast computer that happens 120 times in 1 second. But if your animation is set to 20 frame changes (animation speed) in 1 second, each frame will be on screen for 6 ticks. (120 / 20)

    Meaning, frame 8 will be on screen for 6 ticks. Or, that condition frame = 8 will be true for 6 ticks. Or, that event will be true 6 times in a row. So it spawns 6 arrows.

    Solve it this way. Right click on that event containing that condition frame = 8, choose "add another condtion' from the list that pops up. Double click 'system'. Look for 'Trigger once while true'.

    Now you have an event with two conditions. The 'Trigger once while true' will fire the arrow only the first time frame = 8. All other 5 times it will not fire, hence only one time when it is true.

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