StanBond's Forum Posts

  • I have a button that creates ball.

    This ball fly around the screen, and whenever it hits red box it should be destroyed.

    The problem that whenever I try to destroy this object, it destroy all others objects of this kind. In other words, clicking the button creates new object of ball, thus unlimited number can be spawned, however I require to destroy only ones that come into collision with the red box.

    Could anyone help me to solve this issue?

  • Thank you!

  • I have a doc file that I would like to open whenever i click on button.

    There can be any file extension not only doc. For example, If user clicks on button, it should load a file from the files folder, file.pdf, it should be opened using the default program to view this file or using the broswer.

    Is this possible yet?

  • search the forums for "scrollbar". there are tons of examples.

    EDIT: but I kinda think the one you linked is your best bet...

    EDIT again... Oh, you know what.. try using a textbox. you can set it to read only.

    Thanks the second suggestion have done the trick, only had to change the type to textarea and the scroll bar has appeared.

  • I have a lot of text that I would like to include in the text element. In html its not something to talk about. However, the only thing I've found regarding this issue here: ... -or-slider

    However, something tells me its an overkill. Maybe someone have any more simple method?

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  • Not sure why you want all diff. objects for those texts, instead of instances. That can give you troubles later on.

    But, here goes. ... ElfaFA3azA

    Thanks, that what I was aiming for. Later on I will be checking if the selection is correct, by comparing the selected text-items with the custom families of these text-items. Could you give me some information how similar effect can be achieved using instances?

  • anyone got any suggestions, how can I overcome this issue?

  • just like any other platformer, be more specific please.

  • please remove the animation, it is really hard to look at your event sheet like that.

    Also, write down what is the problem, its your game, only you know how it should work

  • Yeah, it looks like you did it right.

    Unfortunately, it won't let me "toggle on/off" the red object.

    I guess there might be some misunderstanding, here is how the screen looks like:

    As you can see, that according to my event, whenever I press virus(1-12), red object shows up behind it.

    What I'm after is I want this object to be destroyed if I press on it again.

    For example, when I click on virus1, the red box shows up, when i click on it second time, it is being destroyed, while preserving other selections.

    For the sake of simplicity, I've created a new project with the following structure

    Hi, Hello and Hey are separated text objects that belong to Family1

  • I forgot to mention to set the "int" thing to the global variable.

    As for the other thing, in add event, select the object you want, go down to "Misc", and select "Pick by unique ID", and enter the global variable's name as the UID. Then just put a Destroy action in the event, and it'll only act on said object that matches the UID and nothing else.

    Please, correct me if I'm wrong:

    As for now it destroy the red object right away.

  • Create a global variable (name it ObjectUID or osmething), and right after creating the object, put this in between Create Object and Set Position:

    You can then refer back to this with objects you want to specifically manipulate or destroy by choosing Pick by UID and using the global variable as the UID.

    Thank you for the suggestion, could you explain how to do the second part about the destroying by UID?

  • Hello,

    I have a family named fakefam, it is a list of items, according to my event whenever I click on the fakefam items, it spawns an object (red) behind it.

    Now I want it to destroy the object behind the corresponding item from fakefam whenever I click on fakefam item again.

  • The problem is the code runs top to bottom. You set cart to 1, then it proceeds to the next line and it reads cart =1. You need to use "Else".

    System > Cart = 1 > Set Cart to 1

    Else > ____________> Set Cart to 0

    Thank you, else statement worked for me

  • This is really simple task but I've faced some dead end.

    It's just not working. I've tried to do the same with variables,

    if cat1 = 0, make visible and set cat1 value to 1,

    if cat1 = 1, make invisible and set cat 1 value to 0.

    But it would always show 0, as if it reads from top to down, and from some reason read separate event right away.