This is a multi-part question...please bear with me.
In the .capx event sheet, scroll down to the Mr Stick - Grapple group.
Starting at line 18...
- LINE 18: Object GrappleStaple moves forward at dt*200 pixels
- LINE 19: Every tick, add dt*400 GrappleStapleChainPixelCount (abbv to GSCPCount...hey, it's how I keep track of what the variables are for! LOL)
- LINE 20: 1) When GSCPCount reaches at least 10, create a new instance of the GrappleStapleChain sprite object at the proper angle, 2) reset the GSCPCount variable
- LINE 21: As long as the number of instances of the GrappleStapChain object is more than zero, move the instances forward by dt*1000.
This is what confuses me...
While the Staple object is moving forward at 200 pixels/second...
...a count of 10 per 400/second goes by (I can adjust the "10" value to whatever I want...that'll simply change how often a new Chain sprite object instance is created)...
...but I must have the Chain sprite objects moving at a see of 1000 pixels/second to have them move at the same (or CLOSE TO IT) speed of the Staple object.
If I set the speed of the Chain objects to the same value as in line 18, the Chain objects would seem to trail behind, creating a huge gap between the Chain links and the Staple. Even trying to account for the average 60 ticks/second runtime, this isn't making any sense. Why can't the speed of the Chain and the Staple be the same value in the event sheet?
You'll notice on line 22, once the Staple object overlaps with the platformSquareBox object, it's supposed to stop the Staple object from moving - I set the movement to zero pixels per second. Back at line 18, one of the two conditions are so long as the Staple object is NOT overlapping with the box may it continue moving. But even after testing that C2 is registering that there is an overlap, which would make line 18 false, the Staple object continues to move forward. What gives? This includes the fact that once there is an overlap the GrappleFire variable is set to "NoFire", which also should prevent the Staple movement. I did have this working just the other day (thanks much to
Thank you for your help!