I would like to create several Global layers which can be made visible (or active) on different layouts, as needed. Any suggestions? Thx.
maybe just save their attriutes in global variables and then pass them on
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Thanks Benhh.
Actually I figured out how to do it. Just make the layer a global layer and then open another layer with the same name in a different layout.
oh nice. good to know!
jhjconstruct Benhh https://youtu.be/X1BZHu6Nwd8 watch his videos you will learn alot.
jhjconstruct Benhh youtu.be/X1BZHu6Nwd8 watch his videos you will learn alot.
wow nice thanks.
No problem! I hope i helped you out. Ive had alot of help from the forums so when i can get a chance to help i will. Good luck on your project!