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    Definitely will not subscribe. Am a hobbyist and just play with construct when I have time. This would be a huge waste of money for me. Specially when it is from my point of view still construct 2.5 in a browser. I hate working in a browser. It is just so uncomfortable. Then no native export. I really dont see the point.

  • I ll just put a follow up question. If there is ARM and x86 and I upload my game in the playstore, how does it know which version is neccesary for the downloading phone?

  • Hi,

    so there is somewhere here some tutorial on this explaining it better. But how I got it and do it is:

    The most common aspect ratios are 16:9 and 4:3 and they also cover a lot ov other aspect ratios. Do then for example 16:9 as you did. Expand than the top and bottom with stuff, that is not neccesary to see but that is just a plus to see. Set on scale outer. Peeps with 4:3 will see the expanded stuff. If you wish objects to stay on the top or bottom perspective while expanding on 4:3 devices give them the anchor behauviour.

    Set layouts to unbound scrolling if you like it to go to the middle of the screen.

  • Hi,

    thanks for your answer. I figured that with web fonts as well, but since I have a lot of plug ins in my project, I guess it ll take a long time until I can use it with c3.

    I ll try the sprite font generator you mentioned. Thanks a lot!!!

  • Hi guys,

    I read a lot in the tutorials and forum about this, but I still have difficulties to figure out the best way to do text in my game.

    I want to do an mobile app, with a lot of text but not only text. Maybe similar to this one ... ogle&hl=de

    DId they use objects similar to our text objects or more like sprite fonts?

    I understand that sprite fonts can have a better performance. But the problem for me is, that sprite fonts usually dont have äöü for german language, which I need.

    But the text object doesnt look so cool, and I dont want to hurt my performance. Are maybe webfonts like google fonts a solution? Do I need to turn them to sprite fonts first? Or maybe should I write the texts in another program and save the finished texts as images?

  • > i just built one using the rex plugin. was a challenge for me though since the tutorila for it on scirrahad some mistakes in it. finally i figured it out. if u need help i can show u some of the events


    It would be cool if you could show me some of the events! Is rex a good plugin to make the game with?

    Hi, I wanted to make screenshots but when I checked again I realized it is a total mess, mix between german and english. Allthough I posted some screenshots here:

    this thread and plugin may help you. Rex plugin helped me to do it. But maybe I am little dumb but it was super difficult for me. Maybe there is a way without I dont know. Sorry, if it is not urgent, one day I may try to do a tutorial. Otherwise maybe check the thread. There is also a capx of a working match three game.

  • i just built one using the rex plugin. was a challenge for me though since the tutorila for it on scirrahad some mistakes in it. finally i figured it out. if u need help i can show u some of the events

  • Hi,

    I used the endless runner template from construct 2. I just changed the background and the plattforms but now it does not run smoothly anymore. espacially the background seems to have a lag from time to time. I checked the size of my backgroudn image. It uses the power of two and it is not in a big size. The highest memory use in my game is 50mb. I tried it with a simple color background but this also doesnt cut it.

    Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? Is there another approach to get the background running infinit and smooth from right to left other than the bullet beheaviour?

    Thanks a lot in advance since I tried to find it out my self first, but I just think I am stuck by myself.

  • helped me alot alot thanks!!!

  • thanks for the replys. Best community!!!

  • I'm not 100% sure on this, but it would be logical that the resize option resizes the image used by that sprite. You can easily test this: open a 3000x3000 PNG file and resize it to 300x300, then save your project. Does the capx file size reflects the 3000x3000 sized image or the resized one?

    . Allthoug I didnt test with saving the capx but the showed appr memory use at the bottom hitns that it really is depending on the image of the image editor and not of the original source file. So you are right.

  • Hi,

    I have a question about the memory use and the download size in connection to the image size. I understand, that large images make more memory use and a higher download size.

    My question is on which image size this is depending. Is it my source image, which i made and than open in the image editor to give it to my sprite? If I have a very large source image but I edit it in the image editor by the "resize" button, will it then also affect the download size and memory use to be smaller? Or do I have to redo the original image which I open in the image editor?

    Thanks a lot for any reply! Highly appreciated.

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  • gameplay looks nice, neatly done, graphics look like amateur, if u ange it pinball entuthiast may pay a lil. 5 bugs is a lil much i thnk though. I would not pay at all to be honest. but maybe try n do it an app and put ads. I think that could work

  • jhjconstruct Benhh watch his videos you will learn alot.

    wow nice thanks.

  • oh nice. good to know!