How do I convert ansi to utf-8?

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  • hello there is there any way to convert ansi to utf-8?

  • I usually do this in Notepad++

    1) Download and install Notepad++ (google for it)

    2) Open your text file

    3) Under "Encoding", choose "Convert to UTF-8 without BOM"*

    * Unless you need the BOM; in that case, just choose "Convert to UTF-8".

    Notepad++ can also be set to always convert any opened text file to UTF-8.

  • no, i need to convert files from mobile device

  • utf-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII, so there is nothing you need to do to convert ASCII to UTF-8. I don't think "ANSI" is a real text encoding, a quick Google turned up that it might mean "Windows-1252", but that's odd if you're talking about iOS/Android.

  • well, if text in english, there is no problems at all. but if lang in cyrillic...

  • Does this happen only when copy/pasting or does it happen if you type the text directly as well?

    Also, are you sure the font you're using within c2 supports displaying said characters?

    Also, while the text is garbled within the editor, does it display normally on preview?

  • Based on the file name, I would imagine you are looking at text from a different language. This happened to me when I was translating Japanese to English for an older game I was playing. Never did figure out how to fix it though.

  • [quote:11z1oh7v]Does this happen only when copy/pasting or does it happen if you type the text directly as well?

    no, when typing its ok. only when im opening ANSI text file. UTF-8 works fine

    [quote:11z1oh7v]Also, are you sure the font you're using within c2 supports displaying said characters?

    yes, because UTF-8 is fine)

    [quote:11z1oh7v]Also, while the text is garbled within the editor, does it display normally on preview?

    i cant see it within editor, because im using FileChooser

    [quote:11z1oh7v]Based on the file name, I would imagine you are looking at text from a different language. This happened to me when I was translating Japanese to English for an older game I was playing. Never did figure out how to fix it though.

    yes, its in cyrillic. russian in this case.

  • Convert your ANSI files to UTF-8 then. Do like jakobdam said: use an editor like Notepad++ to open the text files, and save them in UTF-8.

    no, i need to convert files from mobile device

    I don't know what this means. Please explain more.

  • this is mean, that im using FileChooser to open text file. and i cant convert files in Notepad++ for all peoples, who will use my app.

  • what exactly are those files?

    You probably need a custom plugin (see the SDK) to convert to UTF-8 then.

    If you're making an application, though, Construct 2 isn't the best tool for the job. There are many tools out there that are far, far better.

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  • [quote:3fon0xju]what exactly are those files?

    any .txt files.

    ofcourse Construct is not the best way. but this app is very simple.

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