When the player collects some bonus elements, the bonus should fade out. I dont know how to do it. I need something like:
On Colision -> Start FadeOut
commented example
This works ok but it's somewhat ugly (not your fault Kyatric :D). Wouldn't a simple set active action or something resolve this more cleanly ? In fact there should be an activate/deactivate in all behaviors.
yeah the fade behavior is a bit incomplete, lack that activate/deactivate. you can't just stop the object from doing his fading .... oh... maybe timescale?
indeed... works neatly
Also —
You don't need to destroy... behavior does that for you (:
Well I'm not familiar with the fade behavior. As stated above it feels a bit incomplete. So far I've handled all my fades in events groups.
Nice to see a 2 events solution.
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Thank you guys!
Yann: I have to paint you a new picture. :-)
Hey, it�s me again. :-)
Is it possibel, that the fade behavior doesnt work with webfonts?
I've just made a quick try and it worked as expected.
Damn. Thank you Kyratic. I should make such test by myself before posting here. Shame on me.
Now I have to find a new bug in my game.
That's where the fun lies ^^