Please don't take this personally, but it's very difficult to make sense of your description, and ever more so, the capx. It's a lot easier to provide assistance if the capx is concise, and your desired result is fully explained.
I'm not sure exactly what you're goal is, but I think I may have deduced it. I'm guessing you want the player to hold the down arrow button to charge up the yellow bar, and if the the player presses the red button while the yellow bar is charged, Sprite 2 appear. You also want the bar to maintain its width for the duration of the animation, and then return to it's original width.
Andreylin mentioned that you can trigger something to happen at the end of Sprite 2's animation, but that won't work in this case, because you don't really end Sprite 2's animation, you just set it to invisible after the animation has completed. Therefore, the quickest fix I can think of was to only have the yellow bar change width when the Sprite 2 is invisible.
I hope this is what you were looking for.