Yumbie's Forum Posts

  • alextro Sweet i can't wait to get home and try it.

    That looks awesome! Should be great.

    Thanks so much alex

  • Thank you so much. im literally tearing my hair out over this!

    can't wait to see

  • alextro hey thank you for the help/response.

    I had a look into the capx. this is similar to what i had imagine but it was more of making the piece move along the squares if i pressed down on the squares.

    An example would be the piece is at 1 and i press 2,3 (connecting squares) then maybe a button and the piece would move along those squares and stop at 3.

    Sorry i should've been clearer in the earlier post.

  • I am making sort of a tactics game with a 4x4 grid. I wanted to make it so that when i mark the path on the grid the piece will move along that path toward that grid cell.

    Ive been trying for the past few days but cant seem to get something working. Hope someone can help me out.

  • O just checked it out. Is that how it works. So sorry i never got back to you RamPackWobble. That PM box wasnt working well for me.

    Thanks for the help again seriously

  • Hey guys. So far i've got a bar moving in a sine wave motion at a random speed for a between a range with periods 0.5 - 16.

    I'm just wondering is there a way to make it pick from certain values at random. eg 1 4 5 810 are the periods and pick one at random.

    Thanks for the help

  • Another question RamPackWobble, Is it possible to not have a range of random values? ie instead of 1-5 be its random between 1, 4, 5 or is this restricted for the clamp function?

  • Hey guys thanks for the replies. All posts were helpful!

  • Ah i should've rephrased that. I mean to make the speed of it be random. slow then fast etc

  • Ive got a platform that goes up and down following the sin behavior and adding a certain magnitude.

    I've got the platform atm moving in a vertical motion but i want to make it vary in the speed.

    Any advice for this problem?

  • Hi just wondering if anyone knows whether its possible to make a game on C2 and be able to set up wifi/bluetooth connections to two devices.

    I posted this topic previously but didnt get much responses.

    Hopefully someone has an idea

  • Hey All

    Just wondering if there's a way to set up two devices to connect using wifi/wireless.

    Example: A fighting game two devices to be connected via a wifi spot or their mobiles phone data.

    Interested to hear the possibilities <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi all so I've been testing out construct 2 for awhile now. But still having difficulties on my own actually.

    So I've decided to put up a post for some help.

    I'm from Sydney, N.S.W Australia so i was wondering if anyone would be keen to meet up and discuss and perhaps for some paid work.

    My game i would say is fairly simple (least in my head it is) so i was hoping someone could answer my questions and then i can finish the rest.

    Or if they're interested perhaps more can be discussed later.

    Please feel free to ask any relevant questions.

    Thanks again

  • Hey littlestain,

    yeah its too hard so i am changing a few things actually.

    Its not a game yet anyway i am testing stuff lol.

    Thanks for the replies anyway!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey little stain,

    Thanks for the reply. Basically the spiderman shows up when you press down on the touch, press z then press down on keyboard and press P.. Complicated I know but that should work.

    Have to do it fairly quick as the frame on sprute2 needs to be less than 10

    Let me know if it still doesn't show up :)