Yumbie's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys,

    Ive got an issue with my current project.

    Im trying to make it so that when the spider man animation plays the chakra and sprite5 bars stay at their position till the animation is finished.

    It seems that my conditions Ive set contradict with this as Ive set it earlier that when the other animations are finished they go back to 0 width. Ive put my file up. Hope someone can help out


    Thanks again people of the community!

  • O man lol. sounds scary to release anything. but thanks for the posts guys. Interesting views i should consider well

  • Interesting posts lemo. I should check out these more social events for developers. But im still an amateur so maybe later on. Keep in touch all

  • Ahh nicee.

    Im kind of in need of some help so I thought it'd be best to go to someone local. Anyone from Sydney?

    Lunch or coffee perhaps? Hopefully i dont sound like some sad case

  • Hey People!

    Hope we've all been well.

    Ive started using construct 2 maybe 2 months ago.

    Just wanted to know if there's any people from Australia around.

    Whether it be just for chat or working together just be good to know whose around.

    Looking forward to hearing responses!!!

  • Hey guys.

    I'm trying to make it so when i hold down the 'uparrow' and 'downarrow' the chakra bar increases in width.

    Seemed like only the down arrow was working so i put in another bar but it doesnt seem right.

    I think it has to do with the inverted condition on the down button.

    Just want to see if i can make it work for both bars but keeping it so it goes back to initial width when i let go.

    Hopefully someone can help me out! Thanks


  • Hmm i see i see.

    So i guess thats why there started heaps of clones of rage of bahamut?

    I saw an article about the Radical fishing(forgot the exact name) and it was a case where a large game company took the indie teams idea and published something beforehand.

    So i guess thats all legal since you say mechanics can be used again

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  • Hey guys,

    I have been towards making a game made back in 1994 by Namco.

    I wanted to use its system of combat but now through reading a lot of articles im wondering how this will affect and shut me down releasing anything similar.

    Fighting games all have similar lay outs and button layouts, but i havent heard of any major stories regarding copy rights there.

    Just wondering if anyone perhaps could be fill me in about my limitations.

    Looking forward to hear everyone's thoughts

  • GenkiGenga Hey there thanks for the reply.

    Actually that wasn't what i was trying to do but i figured it out anyway :).

    Thanks anyways.

    I will also check out your game. looking forward to it !

  • Hey guys I have yet another problem.

    I'm trying to set it so that when my blue bar decreases in width, the green bar goes up by a set incremement. Not sure how to set this though. Hope someone can help me out! It seems buggy (sometimes goes up sometimes doesnt).

    Im also trying to set the condition so that only once the 'Idle animation' is finished/off the screen(not sure which its meant to be) then the incremement takes place.

    Again I've attached the capx file for easier understanding :).



    Let me know if I'm unclear

  • andreyin hey there thanks for taking the time to help me out!

    Hm let me try rephrase it. Basically I've set it so the bar (the yellow one) needs to be greater than 1(width) for the animation sprite 2 to play.

    This is done by holding the down button (charges the bar) and then press the red button.

    What im trying to do is make it so the bar stays at the length i held it to when the animation plays. then after the animation finishes the bar goes back to the initial length.

    :S really sorry if this is still confusing. Thanks again for the help though! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • hey guys! In need of some help yet again (still too noob).

    I want the bar (labelled Chakra) to maintain its length while the animation(sprite 2) is playing. then when its done to return to its original length. I've been playing around with it but still no use <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


    Hopefully its not too hard! I've added my cap file as it probably is a bit hard to explain through words.

    Thanks again guys!

  • Rhindon linkman2004 Hey Thanks guys it worked!!! aw yisssssssssssss

    Appreciate the help. im on the road to viridian city oo~

    I now know what lies beyond the horizons of this forum.

    Btw linkman2004 Nichijou rocks! so funny

  • Rhindon Hey thanks for the fast reply. Um I can take a screen shot of the event sheet.


    Actually uploaded my capx file. Hopefully its all sweet from here

    Thanks for helping me out!

  • Rhindon Hey thanks for the fast reply. Um I can take a screen shot of the event sheet.


    Actually uploaded my capx file. Hopefully its all sweet from here

    Thanks for helping me out!