Hi guys!
I've been working a lot with the Accelerometer in the Touch object lately, to make some cool stuff on mobiles.
But i found out that there are a TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD that can measure geomagnetic field.
Its right here, staring me in the face:
http://developer.android.com/guide/topi ... rview.html
is there any reason, why this isnt included in the touch object?
would anyone be willing to attempt integrating it as a plugin?
rexrainbow or some other C2 plugin guru!
I hope someone has an idea, to how this can be a part of C2!
- it could be a huge leap forward for all of us, that are making apps with C2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">
More awesome sensor stuff, that could be used in a lot of cool apps!: